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When Exactly Should You Take CBD?

Million of Americans have tried CBD and reaped its benefits. One of the hardest things about CBD is understanding when to use it. Does this chemical work better during the day or at night? Taking It In The Morning For people having a rough time waking up, taking CBD...

What Form Of CBD Works Best For You?

Over the years, the consumption of CBD has been on the rise in the United States. For many, choosing the right form of CBD can be a challenge. These three types of CBD are some of the most popular ones around. Tinctures Tinctures combine alcohol with marijuana plants...

The Difference Between Full-Spectrum Hemp And CBD Isolate

In the cannabis community, many find themselves confused at CBD isolate and full-spectrum hemp products. Both products could be considered the same to the average consumer, but they’re not. Why They’re Considered The Same CBD isolate and full-spectrum hemp...

Epidyolex Changed To Schedule 5 Drug In The U.K.

For years, Epidyolex has been listed as a schedule 2 drug in the U.K. Under this listing, obtaining this drug means having a record kept by the government. Now, GW Pharmaceuticals has made it easier for others to consume this drug. For A Wider Consumption...

Should You Refrigerate Your CBD Oil?

There’s a lot of evidence out there for CBD’s medical benefits, including its ability to help with things like anxiety, sleep issues, seizures, and depression. Right now, it is still considered an alternative medicine, though with the data on it piling up...