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Epidyolex Changed To Schedule 5 Drug In The U.K.

For years, Epidyolex has been listed as a schedule 2 drug in the U.K. Under this listing, obtaining this drug means having a record kept by the government. Now, GW Pharmaceuticals has made it easier for others to consume this drug. For A Wider Consumption...

The Fascinating Trend Of CBD Yoga

CBD is one of the key factors in marijuana and marijuana-based products. One movement that’s been utilizing the chemical is CBD Yoga. This exercise has been receiving a plethora of attention from the cannabis community. How does CBD Yoga work, and is it right...

Should You Refrigerate Your CBD Oil?

There’s a lot of evidence out there for CBD’s medical benefits, including its ability to help with things like anxiety, sleep issues, seizures, and depression. Right now, it is still considered an alternative medicine, though with the data on it piling up...

The Hype About CBD Coffee, Explained

The CBD craze has arrived, and this might be one trend train that you want to jump aboard! Cannabidoil, otherwise known as CBD, is in nearly everything now, from supplements to body care to pet treats. And now, CBD has graced the world of coffee, to many latte-lovers’...